a winner of gustav mahler composition prize, roozbeh nafisi is an artist using improvisation to develop compositions. collage, mixed media and interdisciplinary are among words describing his craft. his commonly used materials include sounds, words and visions. roozbeh nafisi plays santur and santur nimi (a half-size santur designed by him). he studied composition, santur and musicology in iran, california, germany, japan, estonia and austria. he served as a lecturer at the university of music and performing arts vienna until 2022.
curriculum vitae:
english deutsch پارسی
romachi trio
is an improvisation ensemble based in vienna, transcending art disciplines to bring about innovative modes of conversation. formed by roozbeh nafisi, chiao-hua chang and márton palatinszky in 2019, romachi trio incorporates iranian santur, taiwanese erhu, and european woodwinds.
bee-gaah society
advocates unorthodox artistic expressions. it was founded in 2020 in vienna by roozbeh nafisi, named after the bee-gaah style of santur playing he initiated in 2006 in search for new sounds and voices. the persian wording bee-gaah means place[/time]less.